The Ryun Hayashi Wiki
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Welcome to the Ryun Hayashi Wiki!!!!!

This is the Ryun Hayashi Wiki that anybody can edit using factual information.

Sage's Newsletter:[]

  • The series will be posted on my Deviantart(DA) account. Its under newest deviantions.
  • 12 Seasons and 240 Episodes are scheduled for the entire series. It is confirmed that there will be a Halloween Special and a Christmas Special. To reach them click this word: List of Original Video Animations and Movies. It's unknown if there will be any movies.
  • Characters can be reached by the 'New Pages.'
  • A mini series has been confirmed. It's called: The Future of Ryun .
  • Then a seqaul to the first series is confirmed and that takes place right after where the first series left off.

About Us[]

We are a collective wiki for the series: Ryun. This is about a young samurai who dreams of becoming the world's greatest samurai. But to do this he must kill the leader of the Hell Seekers: Naraku Kasai. He wants to bring his god: Akuma Sono Fuhen Kami No Za Yomi (Satan the Everlasting God of the Underworld) and he will stop-at-nothing to accomplsih his task. Why he wants to do this is currently unknown. Only Akuma knows why.
